Wednesday, May 30, 2012

DIY - Customize sunglasses!

Hello again, I promised in my last post a sun glasses tutorial, and here it is!
SOOO quick, VERY CHEAP and easy to do.
All you need is;


1. Sunglasses - these ones are from Primark £1!!
2. A selection of buttons, beads, bows. Whatever you like. I have gone for a selection of colours to be bright and garish.


3 . A glue gun OR super glue (be careful and get someone to help you if you haven't used one before)


What I like to do it place under a bag just so I don't ruin the floor haha and then it doesn't matter how messy you are. 

.Before you start prepare what you are going to use and plan where you will stick it, the less fuss the less mess :)
.glue each piece separately, don't glue the whole frame and try and stick the things on quickly because if the glue drys it will become messy and hard to stick on top of old glue.
.Let each one dry before starting the next.
.Then simple as that you have some funky glasses! I will be putting some more up soon with floral and pearls on.
Hope you like!



Thursday, May 24, 2012

Waving Goodbye

Hello everyone! Don't know about you, but I had such a bad day yesterday! It started off good, even went to the beach, but while I was reading, a huge wave came right through me. I was fortunate my bag didn't let water in, but everything else, well... I had to run to get my shoes, I was soaking wet, and the book is pretty much destroyed. It seems like a funny situation, but It meant me going home completely wet and the book wasn't mine. It belongs to a friend, and it was a gift from her brother. I spent the afternoon drying it but, it's awful, and I feel so terrible. 
On another hand, my mom actually went shopping with me! She hadn't in years, but yesterday she bought me a pair of jeans, a blouse and a dress! And I bought a gorgeous jacket!

Olá! Não sei quanto a vocês, mas eu tive um dia horrível ontem! Começou bem, até fui à praia, mas enquanto estava a ler, veio uma onda enorme. Tive sorte de a minha mala não ter deixado entrar água, mas tudo o resto, bem.. Tive de correr atrás dos meus sapatos, completamente molhada, e o livro estava basicamente destruído. Parece uma situação engraçada, mas significou ir cheia de frio e molhada para casa e o livro não era meu. É duma amiga minha, e foi uma prenda do irmão. Passei a tarde a secá-lo, mas está horrível, e eu sinto-me tão mal. 
Por outro lado, a minha mãe foi às compras comigo! Já não ia há anos, mas ontem comprou-me umas calças de ganga, uma blusa e um vestido! E eu comprei um casaco lindo!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Neon and white

Discover the most stylish women's high waist skirt from Oasap women's coat store, choose from a large collection of black trench coat, light blue coat, camel coat, camel coat, womens black coat, apricot coat, black suit coat.

Neon and white look great together but this is an ugly outfit anyway! That's all I can say! Oh I'd save the bag of course!
Thanks Alice of Appunti di Moda for these pictures.

Zara Trench Coat
Mango neon coral blouse
Stradivarius white skinny pants
Danielle suede pumps
Proenza Schouler neon coral satchel (PS1)


Discover the most stylish women's nice skirt from Oasap women's coat store, choose from a large collection of black trench coat, light blue coat, camel coat, camel coat, womens black coat, apricot coat, black suit coat.

Žene = kafa + tračarenje :D
Women = coffee + gossiping :D

Moj outfit :

Thursday, May 17, 2012

DIY: Strappy Sandals

Hello, long time no see! I'm so sorry for such a long break but I have a crazy time at uni right now with all of the exams, essays and presentations! On top of all that the weather in UK had been really crapy for over 3 weeks now - cold and rainy, ugh!;/ I can't promise you any outfit photos soon because of that weather and the fact that I'm actually ill at the moment, but I will finally post photos from fashion shows from Poland Fashion Week and some from showrooms from London Fashion Week that I still haven't shown you yet!

As for the actual post's subject - I've been in love with those shoes from ZARA for quite a while but they are way to expensive for my taste. Lucky, today I stumbled upon those strappy babies and decided all they need is a litlle work and voila - my own minimalistic strappy sandals for a fraction of the price of the ZARA ones!:D
PS: I hope you missed me?;)

Witajcie, dawno się nie widzieliśmy! Bardzo za tę przerwę, ale mam teraz szalony okres na uniwerku ze wszystkimi egzaminami, esejami i prezentacjami! Na dodatek, pogoda w UK jest straszna już od ponad 3 tygodni - ciągle zimno i deszczowo!;/ Nie mogę jeszcze obiecać żadnych nowych stylizacji, przez pogodę właśnie i przez fakt, że się niedawno rozchorowałam, ale na pewno dodam wreszcie posty ze zdjęciami z pokazów z Łódzkiego Tygodnia Mody, a także jeszcze trochę fot z showroom'ów z Londyńskiego, ktłórych mam jeszcze dość sporo!

Co do tematu dzisiejszego posta - od dłuższego czasu marzą mi się te butki z ZARY, ale jak dla mnie są za drogie! Na szczęście, dziś wpadłam na te maluszki z paskami i stwierdziłam, że jedyne czego potrzebują to odrobinę pracy i voila - oto moje własne minimalistyczne sandałki za ułamek ceny tych z ZARY!:D

PS: Mam nadzieję, że się troszkę za mną stęskniliście?;)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Kazimierz Dolny

Check Shirt from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Check Shirt at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP. Discover women's mid rise waist skirt with OASAP. Shop hundreds of nice skirt, elasticated waist skirt, mid rise waist skirt, high waist skirt, cotton skirt, terylene skirt and polyester skirt with OASAP.

Kazimierz Dolny jest jednym z tych miejsc, które lubię najbardziej. Mam takie szczęście, że mieszkam dość blisko, więc na wypadek znudzenia miastem w ładną pogodę spokojnie mogę tu przyjechać i miło spędzić dzień. Od lat mam podobne zwyczaje, które co jakiś czas ulegają modyfikacji. Np. stały punk mojej wycieczki to spacer ulicą Krakowską i oglądanie "swojego domku na kurzej nóżce". Nie wyobrażam też sobie wizyty w Kazimierzu bez zakupu lodów nad Wisłą (wspaniałe!). Czym byłaby też taki dzień bez ataku cyganek na rynku. Naprawdę nie wiem jak im to powiedzieć, że nie chce kolejny raz słyszeć co czeka mnie w przyszłości.
Na ten dzień wybrałam strój wygodny. Obcas niski, bo nie sposób tam chodzić w szpileczkach. Ta spódnica niestety nie ma żadnej podszewki i często nie wiem po prostu do czego ją założyć. Tym razem poradziłam sobie zakładając pod spód zwykłą obcisłą sukienkę z h&m. Konieczna była duża torba na wszystko co potrzebne i na te mniej potrzebne rzeczy też ;) Wieczorem włożyłam zwykłą ramoneską, którą ostatnio noszę do wszystkiego.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

La Dolce Vita


In the last post I told you that I accompanied Mina at the V for Vintage fair, mainly because she wanted to do some shopping and naturally I couldn't help myself and bought some cute stuff - although I wish I could've taken every little piece home with me. Here are some pictures with your featuring a vintage jewelery, hats, purses and clothes paradise; also there were Molecule-F powered by Romanian designers who presented their recent collections, sweets, beverages on the house and lots of beautiful girls! See for yourself.








Amazing bags from The Bag Shop


 Here I am with Mina 


 And with Laura 


And the beauties I bought! Everything is vintage.


I was wearing: Atmosphere blouse, New Yorker skirt, gifted earrings, Meli Melo headband

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Review Elf Mineral Infused Face Primer

Discover women's terylene skirt with OASAP. Shop hundreds of nice skirt, elasticated waist skirt, mid rise waist skirt, high waist skirt, cotton skirt, terylene skirt and polyester skirt with OASAP. Everybody is wowed by the bold colors and exaggerated platform of the creepers, while the street fashion girls who wear them just send back a confident smile. Creepers, favorite of Vivienne Westwood, demonstrate the rebellion of traditional design and streamline your legs. Refine your wardrobe with Oasap fashion creepers collection.

Hello dolls : ) Hoje venho falar-vos de um produto novo na minha rotina de maquilhagem: o primer ! Como algumas de vocês, já tinha ouvido falar das suas propriedades alisadoras de pele e imperfeições e que garantiam uma maquilhagem duradoura. Para testar pela primeira vez, pensei na Elf: dou-me relativamente bem com a marca e os 6,80€ (sem descontos!) foram apelativos !
A embalagem é relativamente bonita, mas nota-se que traz pouco 14g do site é a embalagem total e engana muito mesmo. Outra coisa relativamente chata é que o pump deste primer consegue ser a coisa mais ineficiente deste mundo: só a consegui usar uma vez, não percebo porquê mas também não sou a primeira pessoa a queixar-me ! O primer é completamente transparente e para mim necessito apenas de uma pouco quantidade e noto melhorias a nível da quantidade de base que uso, que passou a ser muito menos como a nível de duração e fixação: bases que não são muito famosas por transferirem duraram a noite toda !
Para quem nunca utilizou, aconselho a terem calma com a quantidade: pouco dá para muito e nas primeiras utilizações a pele parece ficar muito oleosa mas é só enquanto se habituarem !
Veredicto: Toda a embalagem tem de ser alterada, efectivamente não funciona ! Mas gosto do resultado que tem na minha pele e como é o primeiro que testei, até agora penso continuar a comprar :) Espero daqui a uns tempos conseguir compará-la com o primer Studio Secrets que recebi no Lisbon Blinner!
E vocês, já tem o primer na vossa rotina de maquilhagem ?

Hello dolls : ) I've been wearing a new makeup product: face primer ! As some of you already know, a face primer will smooth our skin imperfections and will help the makeup to last longer. To experiment it for the first time, I thought of Elf's: I usually do well with their makeup and the 6,80€ (without discount) were pretty appealing !
The package is quite beautiful, but the lack of product is noticeable..the 14g of weight on their website may be calculated over the total package and is a serious trick to costumer. Another really not impressive aspect is the pump, it's the most inefficient thing ever and I'm not the only one complaining this ! It's completely see-through and for me only a small quantity is needed and I do use less makeup and it last a lot longer, even with some foundations known to transfer.
For those who never used it, I do advice using small portions and in the first trys you may think your skin looks a bit oily, but I think it's only because I wasn't used to the product.
Final say: All the packaging is pretty worthless, it needs a serious improvement ! But I do like how my skins looks with it and since it's the first I tried, maybe I'll stick to it for a while : ) I hope I can compare it with Studio Secrets primer that came home with me after the Lisbon Blinner!
Do you already use primer in your makeup routine ?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sorteio Piccole Cose

Discover women's high waist skirt with OASAP. Shop hundreds of nice skirt, elasticated waist skirt, mid rise waist skirt, high waist skirt, cotton skirt, terylene skirt and polyester skirt with OASAP. Check Shirt from women's fashion clothing shop, get your favorite Check Shirt at street fashion store and enjoy free shipping worldwide at OASAP.

São os pequenos detalhes que fazem toda a diferença, e talvez seja por isso que eu sou obcecada com acessórios: malas, sapatos, chapéus... mas quem me conhece sabe que acima de todos esses estão os meus queridos colares. Ando sempre à procura de mais e mais (até porque sou bastante desastrada e não têm uma vida longa nas minhas mãos), mas encontrar acessórios de que goste a preços de que a minha carteira também goste é complicado. Se têm o mesmo problema que eu, fica aqui a sugestão de uma loja online com peças adoráveis


Desde colares e pulseiras, brincos e pregadeiras, passando até por bandoletes. há um pouco de tudo, sempre com ispiração vintage.


 Além de peças adoráveis, também há a possibilidade de criar colares personalizados, o que permite dar asas à imaginação de cada uma, e torna o colar muito mais original! Se gostaram das peças estão cheias de sorte, porque a menina responsável pela lojinha foi um doce e vai dar um dos seus colares a uma de vocês!


Para concorrerem, basta fazerem uma das seguintes coisas:

-Gostar da loja Piccole Cose no Facebook
-Seguir o blog da loja Piccole Cose
-Seguir o meu blog no Facebook, Bloglovin', Google, onde quiserem!

Cada um destes pontos vale uma entrada, podem fazer todos para entradas extra! Deixem um comentário com o vosso e-mail por cada entrada por favor ^^

O sorteio está aberto até dia 6 de Maio, por isso apressem-se! Boa sorte a todas!